Rich or Famous...Rich Because You Can Buy Fame Read online

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  “I told you, Lala, you don’t owe me nothing.”

  “I know that but I like when you come by. I enjoy your company. I guess what I’m trying to say is that you don’t have to just stop by when you’re dropping off money. You’re welcome anytime.”

  For the first time I paid close attention at the way Lala looked at me. I couldn’t lie and say that the last few times I came by I got some sort of vibe from her but the thought went as fast as it came. But there was no denying now that the vibe was real.

  Lala had her hair pulled back off her face with nothing to hide what was going on behind her eyes. Her face was almost angelic like Tania’s except she wasn’t a child she was a grown woman with sexual appeal. As fine as Lala was, I didn’t want to go there. I could see the shit getting messy for a few reasons and I didn’t need any of them in my life.

  “I have to be going but let Tania know I stopped by and I’ll be back to see her soon,” I said, putting my usual envelope full of money on the table.

  “I will and I hope you’ll consider my offer for dinner,” Lala responded by putting her hand on top of mine as I sat the envelope down.

  “I’ll consider it.”

  “That’s all I’m asking, Lorenzo.” I knew Lala was asking for a lot more but since I had no intentions in complying with any of it I left it alone.

  “I’ll see you later, Lala.” I could hear her saying something but I blocked it out as I made my exit. It was easy for me to erase what had just happened from my mind because I immediately dialed Dior’s number as I was headed to my car.

  “Hello,” she answered in a curious voice. I knew she didn’t recognize the number so I was glad she picked up.

  “What’s up, Dior.”

  “Who is this?”


  “Lorenzo! I been waiting for you to call me. What happened to you giving me a heads up before the video dropped…huh?”

  “I apologize. I got caught up in some shit and honestly it slipped my mind. But you came out looking like a star so it’s all good.”

  “That ain’t the point. You was supposed to give me time to get shit straight with Sway.”

  “You right. Again, I apologize but as savvy as you are I’m sure you smoothed things over with him,” I said pretending not to know that Sway had dismissed her.

  “So what do you want, Lorenzo?”

  “Checking up on you, seeing how shit was poppin’ now that you were a star.”

  “Star, hum if you say so,” she answered sarcastically.

  “I know yo’ phone been ringing off the hook since the video came out.”

  “Nope, just the opposite. I believe Sway’s petty ass shut all that shit down.”

  “You might be right ‘cause everybody buzzin’ ‘bout that video and especially you. But don’t sweat that. What I’m about to tell you will no doubt put a smile on your face.”

  “It will?” she asked as if in complete shock.

  “Yep. This should make up for me forgetting to call you about the video in advance.”

  “What is it…tell me!” her voice had now gone from having a pissed off attitude to hopeful excitement.

  “They’re going to shoot you to be on the next cover of King Magazine.”

  “Stop lyin’!”

  “I ain’t lyin’.”

  “The cover, not some inside one page booty shot?”

  “Nope, that would be takin’ a step back. How you gon’ go from lead of Phenomenon’s new video to that. It’s the cover, baby.”

  “Don’t play, Lorenzo! How the fuck did you manage that?”

  “Money can do wonders, everybody gotta price.”

  “I can’t believe you did that for me.”

  “Dior, I told you whatever you want. You think you need Sway to get to the top but money can get you there just as fast if not faster.”

  “Sway ain’t even a factor anymore.”

  “Why is that?”

  “After the video dropped he dumped me.”

  “Wow, just like that. That nigga cold blooded.”

  “Are you serious about that cover?”

  “Yeah, why you ask?”

  “’Cause that will show Sway’s ass. I’ma personally make sure he gets a copy of that shit so he can choke on it.”

  “Yo you crazy!” I laughed.

  “Maybe, but I’m serious. You have no idea all the bullshit I put up with dealing with him and then you should’ve seen how he dumped me. After shit wasn’t jumping off for me, I started to regret doing the fuckin’ video. But after the news you just gave me, I’m back in business.”

  “Yes, you are. I’ll be in touch with all the details so keep yo’ head up.”

  “Will do!”

  Before Dior hung up the phone I could hear the fight back in her voice. I could tell she didn’t want to admit it but getting dumped by Sway had left her shook. She had grown dependent on that jet set life with him and it all slipped away in a matter of seconds. But I was going to enjoy playing a major part in helping her dreams come true. It was actually turning out to be a lot more amusing than I thought it would be. Initially I didn’t even think of it as being fun. Part of me wanted to prove to Dior that my money could be as powerful as Sway’s fame in getting her what she wanted and the other part of me wanted to get her in bed since she said that wasn’t a possibility. But what was viewed to me as a game in the beginning was now turning into a challenge of how far I could take this fame thing and would I win at it.


  So Amazing

  When the cab dropped me off in front of the Gramercy Park Hotel, I knew Brittani would be pissed that I was almost thirty minutes late. Luckily we were meeting at the Maialino for lunch, so it wasn’t a doubt in my mind that there had to be a wait. If she was seated it only could’ve happened within the last five to ten minutes.

  “I’m meeting someone,” I said, bypassing the long line and the hostess as I noticed Brittani sitting in a corner table. “Sorry I’m late, sweetie,” I smiled before sitting down.

  “Dior, I’ve known you long enough to know that this is on time for you, plus we only got a table a few minutes ago.”

  “Yeah, I figured that. Everybody is always raving about how great the food is here.”

  “It really is. It’s my new favorite spot. I hope you don’t mind but I already ordered. I know what’s best on the menu. But enough about the food, how are you holding up?”

  “How do you think?” I asked in my most cynical voice. “A couple weeks ago I was in Paris now I can barely afford French fries.”

  “It’s that bad?” Brittani’s mouth was wide open waiting for my reply.

  “Pretty much, so I hope this meal is on you.”

  “You don’t have money for food, Dior? You didn’t save any money while you were with Sway?”

  “Please, the most cash Sway ever put in my hand was to tip people. He covered all my expenses and gave me access to his credit cards. I figured by the time our relationship was over I would be so hot people would pay me to show up to places and do things. But it hasn’t worked out that way.”

  “Even after that video you did with Phenomenon? That’s the number one song and video out right now. I’d think your phone would be blowing up!”

  “Me too! I swear I believe Sway called everybody and their mother after he dumped me letting them know not to fuck with me at all.”

  “Seriously, is dude that petty…wait, I forgot we are talking about Sway.”

  “He’s so foul,” I said, shaking my head.

  “So what are you gonna to do? I mean you don’t have anybody that can help you out until you get back on your feet?”

  “No, Sway made sure I cut everybody off when I started dealing with him. I do have something brewing that would put me in the center of shit if it happens. But I’m not sure if it’s legit or not.”

  “What is it?”

  “I don’t want to talk about it because if it don’t happen I’ll be beyond fuckin’ pissed
and if it does happen then you’ll know about it like everybody else.”

  “Cool, but again, what are you going to do for money, some more videos?”

  “Hell no! You know that shit don’t pay no damn money. I did the one with Phenomenon because I thought the exposure would open so many doors for me, which would mean making some money!”

  “I can always hook you up with an athlete. You know they love video girls.”

  “Unless it was Kobe Bryant, who is married, so that’s not gonna happen, why would I date some random athlete. Seriously, how do you go from like one of the biggest hip hop artist to some regular NBA player? That’s not gonna garner me consistent media attention. If anything people will say I’m desperate and a has been. I refuse to be the next Amber Rose.”

  “Since I know you’re not gonna go out and get a real job, you have to date somebody to get your bills paid.”

  “True, but it has to be the right man. They say the next person you date has to be equal or better than the last one.”

  “Unless I missed the announcement, Jay Z is still married so your options are limited.”

  “No shit Sherlock.”

  “Don’t get upset with me because you’re in this predicament. When we first left Philly and we moved here in search of fame and fortune, well you fame me fortune I told you to find a rich man and get pregnant. That way you would always know you had a steady check coming in.”

  “Brittani, that is so 2000. You and I both know that just like an NFL contract that money ain’t guaranteed.”

  “I’m a NBA baby mama and I ain’t had a problem paying a bill yet. So it’s worked for me.”

  “So far, let’s reconvene this conversation in a few years and see if you’re talking the same shit.”

  “I bet you I will!”

  “Look at Nas and Kelis. I know she wasn’t counting on getting her payments sliced in half. And I guarantee you in six months to a year, Nas will be right back in front of a judge, screaming we still in a recession, getting it reduced some more. But honestly Brittani, I’m not trying to rain on your parade. Real talk, I hope your shit continues to work out for you but you know I never wanted to do the baby mama thing. I don’t want to be known for poppin’ out some kid for a famous person. I want my own fame.”

  “I hear you but fame don’t pay the bills—money does, something you don’t seem to have. You need to figure out something, Dior, and quick.”

  “You think I don’t know that. I don’t even have money to pay for my meal. So again, I hope those child support checks keep coming in on time because I might need a small loan to hold me over.”

  “You know I’ll do whatever I can for you but I really think you need to let me set you up, even if it’s just a short fling.”

  “I don’t know, Brittani. Athletes aren’t big on trickin’ money unless you’re a stripper. And that’s only because they like to show off by throwing money around in front of other men in the club to boost their ego.”

  “Maybe you won’t get any cash out the deal but you will get some bills paid and definitely a few meals.”

  “I came so far from when we first got here and we were sharing that studio in Harlem. Now I’m back at square one. Do you know, Sway didn’t even let me keep any of the clothes, shoes, bags or jewelry he got me. When I was getting dressed today and I looked in my closet, everything is last season. Maybe I should’ve taken my mother’s advice and stayed in school after all.” I looked down and began shaking my head thinking about how much my life had changed in such a short period of time.”

  “Dior, you have to stop feeling sorry for yourself. Growing up we were so poor we didn’t even know what designer shit was. And chillin’ on a yacht or flying in a jet, hell we had never even been on a plane. So yeah, you have come a long way. Right now shit is bad for you, but you’ve seen worse. If you let Sway kill all your dreams then he wins. You’ll get through this. Now no more misery talk. Here comes our food, so enjoy because honestly we don’t know when you’ll get another meal.” We both fell out laughing before devouring our food.

  ** *

  Later on that evening as I sat at home warming up leftovers from the meal I had earlier in the day, I replayed the conversation I had with Brittani in my mind. I had to stop feeling sorry for myself and move forward. So what if Sway dumped me. That was a risk I had already come to terms with when Lorenzo brought the opportunity back to me. Regretting my decision and thinking of what might have been was serving me no purpose. The only thing I needed to do was figure out a master plan. If Lorenzo really delivered on what he said he could then I knew things would without a doubt shift in my favor. But there was a small fraction of me that felt he was full of shit. I mean I had flat out turned him down all in the name of Sway so why would he want to help me. I had played the game long enough to realize that all men loved a challenge and being told ‘no’ fit in that category, especially for a man like Lorenzo. I didn’t know much about him but judging from his good looks alone he didn’t hear that word often from a woman. So that could well be the reason, he was trying to buy the pussy without actually handing over the cash and paying for it. Whatever the reason I didn’t fucking care as long as it worked out in my favor. As I continued trying to figure shit out in my head I heard my cell ringing. I saw Brittani’s name on the screen.

  “What’s up?”

  “Get dressed. I have a party for us to go to.”

  “Girl, I don’t feel like going to no damn party. I ain’t got nothing to celebrate.”

  “Well you ain’t gon’ never have nothing to celebrate if you keep yo’ ass in that damn apartment. Can’t nobody find you in there.”

  “Whose party is it?”

  “The Knicks and Miami are playing tomorrow night so Lebron James is having a party.”

  “I can’t stand that egotistical mutherfucka. I don’t wanna go to his party.”

  “Lebron is cool people, but you ain’t got to like him to go to the party. Everybody will be there so it’ll be a good look. Plus, you need to be seen. You don’t want people to think you went into hiding because you ain’t with Sway no more.”

  “True, but I don’t even think I got any hot shit to wear. Wait, I did have this dress that Sway got me that I left over here and never got a chance to wear. Bingo!”

  “Cool, I’ll pick you up in about an hour so hurry up. Bye!”

  “Damn, when you said an hour, you really meant an hour,” I said shutting the passenger door.

  “You know it’s gone be ridiculous in there and I want to make sure we posted up in our spot, especially with that bad ass dress you got on. Is that leather on the sleeve cuffs?”

  “Yep, it has leather going down the v-neck collar and the belt too.”

  “I ain’t never seen that dress, who make that?”

  “Gucci. I can’t believe I almost forgot about it. But what happened was that Sway’s stylist had dropped it off because I was supposed to wear it to some party with Sway but I didn’t make it back home so I ended up wearing something else and it’s been sitting in my closet. But I remembered at the perfect time.”

  “Yo Sway’s stylist got some good fuckin’ taste ‘cause that shit is sick.”

  “Yeah he does. And I ain’t got none of it.”

  “How you lose all your clothes?”

  “I was basically living with Sway so all my clothes were at his different cribs. So when he gave me my walking papers, it ain’t like he had the shit shipped to me.”

  “Wow, that’s got to be devastating,” Brittani said, shaking her head.

  “Pretty much but ain’t shit I can do about it so fuck it!”

  “Don’t worry, tonight all that is gonna change. We gon’ find you a new cat.”

  “You keep talking ‘bout hooking me up and not both of us finding a new man, so shit must be real good with you and Kevin.”

  “He been acting right lately. I ain’t caught him in no bullshit so he must be keeping the groupies in check.”

you see yourself going from baby mama to wife in the near future?”

  “I ain’t say all that,” Brittani smiled, turning on West 23rd Street. “If we do get married I know it ain’t gon’ be no time soon which is cool with me as long as the checks keep clearing and the bitches stay out my way.”

  “I don’t know how you baby mamas do it. Always jumping through hoops trying to make sure you keep the other hoes away.”

  “That shit is a full time job but at least I’m not like that dumbass Priscilla.”

  “What the hell she do now?”

  “You didn’t see how she released all those bootleg pictures to the blogs?”

  “Since I know I ain’t been featured on them lately, I haven’t been checking the blogs.”

  “Well her and Ross and all their kids had been on a yacht for they family vacation. Well on a daily basis from the beginning to the end of their trip this heffa was giving us a play by play photo update of them out. And Ross didn’t even look like he wanted to touch her ass. She tried to make it look like it was paparazzi candid shots but everybody know that silly ho takes one of her best friends who is a photographer on all her trips with Ross to take pics and send them to the blogs.”

  “Stop playing!”

  “I wish I was but it’s that serious for her.”

  “But he ain’t even with Priscilla no more, he go with that young girl Jessica. When I would be at the parties with Sway, I would always see them together.”

  “That’s my point. We know he is with Jessica and so does Priscilla but she tries to use Ross spending time with his kids as a pathetic opportunity to make it seem like he still her man.”

  “Oh I get it. That’s her way of trying to keep the groupies away.”

  “Exactly, but Priscilla need to give it up because unfortunately for her Jessica is no groupie. Ross live with that girl. But Priscilla stay trying to use them kids and Ross being her baby daddy as a way to stay relevant and gain some attention.”